Course Changes (Add or Drop)

Note: This policy was updated in August 2023. Refer to the current Course Changes (Add/Drop) Policy.

A course may be added through the portal during the first two weeks of the semester. Students may add courses after the first two weeks with the permission of the academic advisor and instructor. Instructors have the right to refuse admission to students if the instructor feels that students will not have the time to sufficiently master the material due to adding the course late. Course change forms are also used for students requesting permission to waive prerequisites for a course or requesting dean approval to register above the maximum number of credits per semester/session.

A course may be dropped without penalty before the last day to drop a class without a W grade as per the Academic Calendar, but students must ensure they maintain full-time registration for the semester/session. Between the last day to drop without a W and the last day to drop with a W, students can drop a course or drop below 12 credits with the approval of the academic advisor and the dean. After the last day to drop with a W, courses may be dropped only under exceptional circumstances and the final grade will be updated to withdrew/failed (WF). Students should note that dropping courses may delay graduation and this will be taken into consideration by the program when reviewing course drop requests.