CS 327 Operational Technology Network Security

This course aims at providing a hands-on experience with respect to real world security threats present in so called Operational Technology (OT) networks. It leverages a specific platform, named CHASE, located on the spine, near building 2. CHASE stands for “City Hack and Save Environment”. It reproduces, at a small scale, several infrastructures that exist in a real city. They are controlled by the very same devices (Programmable Logic Controllers, PLCs) found in the real world. This platform has been designed to be, on purpose, vulnerable to several different attacks. The goal of this lecture is to run these attacks, to understand their root causes and reason about their widespread existence, to identify mitigation techniques that can be put in practice. This learning experience will be carried out in an interactive way thanks to presentations and demos prepared by the students, using the platform, with the help of the professor.




CS 323