MSE 301 Advanced Crystallography and Diffraction

How do we define, and characterize atomic or molecular structures in the solid state? This course will cover the theory surrounding diffraction/scattering, its application, and techniques used to answer this question. Fundamental concepts will include symmetry, space groups, lattices, Bragg’s Law, Laue equations, reciprocal space, and the physics of diffraction/scattering. Application and techniques will include treatment of disordered systems, X-ray/electron/neutron specifics, solving/refining structures, and Rietveld/PDF analysis. Case studies will be drawn from molecular compounds, ceramic/intermetallics, MOFs, 2D materials, polymers, and powder/thin film/single crystal diffraction. Critical assessment of obtained structures, and how they can relate to chemical/physical properties will also be discussed. This course does not require Chem219/MSE221 as a prerequisite, but will rather cover more extensive topics and in detail.
