Material Science and Engineering MS Program

The Master of Science (MS) degree requires completion of a minimum of 36 credits with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Individual courses require a minimum of a B- grade for course credit. 

Duration of Study

Students are responsible for planning their graduate program in consultation with their Academic Advisor. Students must meet all deadlines and be aware that most Core Courses are offered only once per academic year. Students are expected to complete the MS degree as follows:

  • MS (non-thesis) 3 Semesters and 1 Summer Session 
  • MS (Thesis)- 4 Semesters and 1 Summer Session.

Students must complete their Thesis by the end of the fourth Semester (not including the Summer Session). Students who require additional time to complete their Thesis must apply for an extension per the time limits and extensions policy.

Assessment Test

To facilitate the design of individual study plans, students must take a written Assessment Test when they arrive on campus. The Assessment Test determines whether they have mastered the prerequisites for undertaking the graduate-level courses taught in the program. Students must prepare for the test by refreshing the general knowledge gained from their undergraduate education before arriving at KAUST. The study plan requirements must be satisfactorily completed, in addition to the university degree requirements. More information regarding the Assessment Test is available on the MSE webpage

In the case of failure of the Assessment Test students are mandated to take 100-level courses and are graded Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) for these courses but do not receive academic credit toward their degree. Students mandated to take the full Fall Semester of the PGDip Program and who wish to transfer to the PGDip Program in the Spring Semester, must apply to do so before Week 1 of the Spring Semester. 

Course Requirements

Students must complete the following requirements:

  • Core courses (12 credits)
  • Elective courses (12 credits)
  • Research Courses (12 credits)
  • Graduate Seminar (non-credit)
  • Winter Enrichment Program (non-credit)

Core and Elective Courses must be technical courses and cannot be substituted with Research, Internship, or Broadening Courses to fulfill degree requirements.

Core Courses (12 credits)

Core Courses provide students with the background needed to establish a solid foundation in the program area. Students must complete 12 credits (4 Core Courses) and be aware that Core Courses may be offered only once per academic year. Students must complete 9 credits (3 Core Courses) from the list below:

MSE 221Crystallography and Diffraction


MSE 225Electronic Properties of Materials


MSE 226Thermodynamics of Materials


MSE 227Applied Quantum Mechanics


MSE 228Materials Characterization


AP 220Statistical Physics


AP 228Advanced Quantum Mechanics


AP 230Condensed Matter Physics


Students must complete 3 credits (1 Core Course) from the list below:
MSE 200Mathematics for Material Science and Engineering


AMCS 202Applied Mathematics II


AMCS 206Applied Numerical Methods


AMCS 214Introduction to Analysis


AMCS 215Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning


AMCS 231Applied Partial Differential Equations I


AMCS 232Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations


AMCS 241/STAT 250Stochastic Processes


AMCS 251Numerical Linear Algebra


AMCS 252Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations


AMCS 253Iterative Methods of Linear and Nonlinear Algebra


AMCS 255Advanced Computational Physics


AMCS 301Random PDEs - Modern Numerical Methods


AMCS 308Stochastic Numerics with Application in Simulation and Data Science


AMCS 331Applied Partial Differential Equations II


AMCS 332Introduction to Mathematical Modelling


AMCS 335Multiscale Modelling and Simulation for PDEs


AMCS 336Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations


AMCS 338Functional Analysis


STAT 210Applied Statistics and Data Analysis


Elective Courses (12 credits)

Elective Courses allow students to tailor their educational experience to meet individual research and educational objectives. Students must complete 12 credits (4 Elective Courses) from the list below. With the consent of the Academic Advisor, 6 credits (2 Elective Courses) can be replaced with courses from the AP, AMCS, BioE, CE, Chem, CS, ECE, and ME programs.

MSE 201Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering


MSE 229Polymeric Materials


MSE 310Energy Storage Materials and Devices


MSE 314Ab-Initio Computational Methods


MSE 318Nanomaterials


MSE 320Energy Conversion Materials and Devices


MSE 322Semiconductor Materials


MSE 326/BioE 326Biosensing Materials


MSE 331/AP 331Advanced Nanoelectronics


MSE 394BContemporary Topics in Materials Science


Graduate Seminars (non-credit)

Students must register for 2 MSE Graduate Seminar Courses (MSE 398) and must receive a Satisfactory (S) grade in all of them. Students must attend a minimum of 8 Graduate Seminars to receive a Satisfactory (S) grade. The seminars can be chosen from any Graduate Seminar series offered by the PSE division.

Winter Enrichment Program (non-credit)

Students must complete 1 Winter Enrichment Program (WE 100), usually taken in the first year of study. 

MS Thesis

Students pursuing the Thesis option must complete 12 credits of Thesis Research (MSE 297).

Thesis Application

Students must secure a Thesis Advisor and must submit the Thesis application no later than by the end of week 1 of their third semester. A minimum of 3.2 cumulative GPA is required to apply. Students must select a KAUST Faculty member affiliated with the MSE program. A list is available on the PSE webpage. A KAUST Faculty member not affiliated with the MSE program can obtain the program’s approval to become affiliated for the specific Thesis project before the student commences the research work. To start the affiliation process, a research proposal of the project signed by the potential Thesis Advisor must be submitted to the GPSA. 

Students who meet the graduation requirements of the non-thesis track may drop the thesis up until the end of their third Semester. Students not able to complete their thesis after this deadline will face academic dismissal.

Thesis Committee Formation

Students must form the Thesis Committee and submit a petition to defend the Thesis by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. The required form and procedure details are available on the MSE webpage. The Dean must approve the Thesis Committee, which must consist of 3 or 4 members as follows:

Member Role Program Status
1 Chair Non-Program-affiliated KAUST faculty 
2 Thesis Advisor KAUST Faculty with MSE affiliation 
3 Member KAUST Faculty with MSE affiliation 
4 Member Faculty or research scientist inside or outside KAUST


  • Members 1 to 3 are required; member 4 is optional.
  • Thesis Co-Advisors may serve as members 3 or 4, depending on their status. 
  • Instructional and Research Faculty and Visiting Faculty, may only serve as member 4. 
  • Adjunct Professors and Professors emeriti may retain Committee roles. 

View a list of Faculty and their affiliations here.

Thesis Document

Students must follow the Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines available from the KAUST Library when they write their Thesis. Once the Thesis is ready to be examined, students must determine the Defense date with the agreement of all members of the Thesis Committee.

Thesis Defense

The format of the oral Thesis Defense is left to the discretion of the Thesis Committee. Students defending their Thesis receive as outcome a Pass or Fail. A Pass is achieved when the Committee agrees with no more than one dissenting vote, otherwise the outcome is a Fail. In the case of a Pass, students must send the Thesis Result Form within 2 days after the Thesis Defense to the GPSA. In the case of a Fail, the Committee Chair must inform the GPSA immediately to take the necessary action. Students must submit the Final Approval Form by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. The required forms are available on the Office of the Registrar webpage, and procedure details are available on the MSE webpage. 

Thesis Archiving

Students must archive the Thesis in the KAUST Library within 2 weeks from the Thesis Defense and not later than the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. A step-by-step guide to archive the Thesis is available on the MSE webpage.

MS Non-Thesis

Students pursuing the Non-Thesis option must complete a total of 12 capstone credits, including 6 credits of Directed Research (MSE 299). The remaining 6 credits must be obtained from regular 200 or 300-level courses at KAUST. Replacing the courses with research or summer internship credits is not permitted.