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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Program Guide 2025-2026
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Programs of Study
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Office of the Provost
Division of Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering (BESE)
Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE)
Division of Physical Science and Engineering (PSE)
AMCS - Applied Mathematical and Computational Science
AP - Applied Physics
B - Bioscience
BESE-Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering
BioE - Bioengineering
CE - Chemical Engineering
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Chem - Chemistry
CS - Computer Science
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
EnSE - Environmental Science and Engineering
ERPE - Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering
ErSE - Earth Science and Engineering
MarS - Marine Science
ME - Mechanical Engineering
MSE - Material Science and Engineering
PSE- Physical Science and Engineering
PS - Plant Science
STAT - Statistics
TIE-Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship
WE - Winter Enrichment Program
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AMCS 107
Introduction to Programming with Matlab and Mathematica
AMCS 162
Discrete Mathematics
AMCS 199
Directed Study in Applied Mathematics
AMCS 200
Mathematical Economics and Finance
AMCS 201
Applied Mathematics I
AMCS 202
Applied Mathematics II
AMCS 203
Mathematical Methods for Life Sciences
AMCS 204
Decision Making in Sustainability
AMCS 206
Applied Numerical Methods
AMCS 211
Numerical Optimization
AMCS 212
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
AMCS 214
Introduction to Analysis
AMCS 215
Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
AMCS 231
Applied Partial Differential Equations I
AMCS 232
Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
AMCS 235
Real Analysis
AMCS 237
Fourier and Wavelet Theory
AMCS 241
Stochastic Processes
AMCS 249
Mathematics for Signal Processing
AMCS 251
Numerical Linear Algebra
AMCS 252
Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations
AMCS 253
Iterative Methods of Linear and Nonlinear Algebra
AMCS 255
Advanced Computational Physics
AMCS 271
Applied Geometry
AMCS 272
Geometric Modelling
AMCS 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
AMCS 294
Contemporary Topics in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
AMCS 295
Master's Internship
AMCS 297
Master's Thesis Research
AMCS 299
Master's Directed Research
AMCS 300
Modelling and Simulation of Biosystems
AMCS 301
Random PDEs - Modern Numerical Methods
AMCS 302
Riemannian Geometry
AMCS 303
Numerical Methods of Geophysics
AMCS 304
Deep Learning and Analysis
AMCS 308
Stochastic Numerics with Application in Simulation and Data Science
AMCS 312
High Performance Computing
AMCS 329
Finite Elements
AMCS 330
Computational Science and Engineering
AMCS 331
Applied Partial Differential Equations II
AMCS 332
Introduction to Mathematical Modelling
AMCS 333
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Godunov-type Methods
AMCS 334
Mathematical Fluid Dynamics
AMCS 335
Multiscale Modelling and Simulation for PDEs
AMCS 336
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations
AMCS 338
Functional Analysis
AMCS 343
Fast Solvers for Large Systems of Equations
AMCS 344
Advanced Probability
AMCS 346
Advanced Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
AMCS 348
Summation by Parts Operators for PDEs
AMCS 350
Spectral Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
AMCS 351
Advanced Stochastic Simulation
AMCS 353
Advanced Topics in Wave Propagation
AMCS 354
Asymptotic Methods of Applied Mathematics
AMCS 355
Advanced Topics in Numerical Integration
AMCS 370
Inverse Problems
AMCS 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
AMCS 394
Contemporary Topics in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
AMCS 395
Doctoral Internship
AMCS 396
Mathematical Modelling in Computer Vision
AMCS 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
AMCS 398
Graduate Seminar
AMCS 399
Doctoral Directed Research
AP 199
Directed Study in Applied Physics
AP 210
Spectroscopy of Solids
AP 220
Statistical Physics
AP 225
Electronic Properties of Materials
AP 228
Advanced Quantum Mechanics
AP 230
Condensed Matter Physics
AP 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
AP 294
Contemporary Topics in Applied Physics
AP 295
Master's Internship
AP 297
Master's Thesis Research
AP 299
Master's Directed Research
AP 314
Ab-Initio Computational Methods
AP 322
Semiconductor Materials
AP 330
Many-Body Theory in Condensed Matter
AP 331
Advanced Nanoelectronics
AP 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
AP 394
Contemporary Topics in Applied Physics
AP 395
Doctoral Internship
AP 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
AP 398
Graduate Seminar
AP 399
Doctoral Directed Research
B 103
Introductory Microbiology
B 199
Directed Study in Bioscience
B 201
B 204
B 206
Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology
B 209
Molecular Genetics
B 211
Fundamentals of Molecular Microbiology
B 213
The Cell: Structure, Development and Physiology II
B 214
Biomolecule Structure and Function
B 224
The Cell: Structure, Development and Physiology I
B 241
Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab
B 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
B 294
Contemporary Topics in Bioscience
B 295
Master's Internship
B 296
Lab Rotation
B 297
Master's Thesis Research
B 299
Master's Directed Research
B 300
Advances in Microbiome Sciences
B 306
Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology
B 316
Foundations in Bioimaging
B 317
Advanced Environmental Microbiology
B 318
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
B 320
Stem Cells and Molecular Medicine
B 321
Epigenetics and Chromatin
B 322
Computational Bioscience and Machine Learning
B 323
Advanced Bioimaging
B 324
Machine Learning for Genomics and Health
B 325
Advanced Biomacromolecular NMR Spectroscopy
B 326
Geometric Machine Learning and Network Biology
B 327
Introduction to Nanopore Sequencing
B 328
Principles of Cryo-Electron Microscopy
B 329
Fundamentals of Neuroscience
B 345
Advanced Topics: Bioscience
B 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
B 394
Contemporary Topics in Bioscience
B 395
Doctoral Internship
B 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
B 398
Graduate Seminar
B 399
Doctoral Directed Research
B 100
Basic Chemistry for Life Sciences
B 101
Introductory Biochemistry
B 102
Introductory Cell Biology
B 104
Introductory Molecular Biology
BESE 200
Bio Lab
BESE 300
Fundamental Skills in Bioinformatics
BESE 301
Biomolecular Graphics and Interpretation
BioE 199
Directed Study in Bioengineering
BioE 200
Applied Bioinformatics
BioE 201
Foundations of Bioengineering
BioE 202
Foundations of Synthetic Biology
BioE 206
Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology
BioE 230
Foundations of Bioengineering Lab
BioE 249
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
BioE 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
BioE 294
Contemporary Topics in Bioengineering
BioE 295
Master's Internship
BioE 297
Master's Thesis Research
BioE 299
Master's Directed Research
BioE 300
Microbial Engineering and Bioprocess Design
BioE 301
Deep Learning for Bioengineering
BioE 306
Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology
BioE 318
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
BioE 319
Electronic Biosensors and Bioactuators
BioE 326
Biosensing Materials
BioE 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
BioE 394
Contemporary Topics in Bioengineering
BioE 395
Doctoral Internship
BioE 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
BioE 398
Graduate Seminar
BioE 399
Doctoral Directed Research
CE 199
Directed Study in Chemical Engineering
CE 201
Chemical Thermodynamics
CE 202
Advanced Transport Phenomena
CE 203
Advanced Reaction Engineering
CE 210
Materials Chemistry I
CE 225
Materials Chemistry II
CE 226
Process Modeling and Control
CE 230
Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
CE 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
CE 294
Contemporary Topics in CE
CE 295
Master's Internship
CE 297
Master's Thesis Research
CE 299
Master's Directed Research
Chem 303
Structure-Activity Relation in Polymers
CE 300
Sustainable Process Design
CE 304
Chemical Kinetic Modeling and Simulation
CE 305
Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
CE 310
Colloids, Interfaces, and Surfaces
CE 317
Clean Fossil Fuels and Biofuels
CE 318
Advanced Separation Technologies
CE 319
Chemical Process Technology
CE 330
Physical Chemistry of Macromolecules
CE 335
Heterogeneous Catalysis
CE 336
Membrane Science and Membrane Separation Processes
CE 379
Light-driven Catalytic Proc. and Eng.
CE 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
CE 394
Contemporary Topics in CE
CE 395
Doctoral Internship
CE 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
CE 398
Graduate Seminar
CE 399
Doctoral Directed Research
Engineering Mathematics
Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Linear Algebra
Chem 102
Basic Principles of Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
Chem 103
Basic Principles of Physical Chemistry
Chem 199
Directed Study in Chemistry
Chem 210
Material Chemistry I
Chem 212
Spectroscopy Analysis
Chem 214
Chem 215
Polymers and Polymerization Processes
Chem 218
Photo and Electro Catalysis
Chem 219
Crystallography and Diffraction
Chem 220
Organometallic Chemistry
Chem 228
Materials Characterization
Chem 240
Supramolecular Chemistry
Chem 250
Material Chemistry
Chem 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
Chem 294
Contemporary Topics in Chemistry
Chem 295
Master's Internship
Chem 296
Lab Rotation
Chem 297
Master’s Thesis Research
Chem 299
Master’s Directed Research
Chem 301
Advances Crystallography and Diffraction
Chem 302
Sustainability in Chemistry
Chem 303
Structure-Activity Relation in Polymers
Chem 319
Bioinorganic Chemistry
CE 336
Heterogeneous Catalysis
Chem 320
Advanced Organic Chemistry I
Chem 326
Chem 330
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I
Chem 340
Advanced Organic Chemistry II
Chem 350
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II
Chem 360
Advanced Physical Chemistry I
Chem 370
Advanced Physical Chemistry II
Chem 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
Chem 394
Contemporary Topics in Chemistry
Chem 395
Doctoral Internship
Chem 397
Doctoral dissertation Research
Chem 398
Graduate Seminar
Chem 399
Doctoral Directed Research
CS 161
Theory of Computer Science
CS 199
Directed Study in Computer Science
CS 201
Introduction to Programming with Python
CS 204
Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 205
Systems Programming
CS 207
Programming Methodology and Abstractions
CS 210
Introduction to Statistics and Bio-Statistics
CS 213
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
CS 220
Data Analytics
CS 225
Neural Network Design and Training
CS 229
Machine Learning
CS 230
Computer Systems Security
CS 231
Applied Network Security
CS 232
Applied Cryptography
CS 240
Computing Systems and Concurrency
CS 244
Computer Networks
CS 245
CS 247
Scientific Visualization
CS 248
Computer Graphics
CS 249
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
CS 256
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
CS 258
System Architecture and Performance
CS 260
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS 272
Geometric Modeling
CS 283
Deep Generative Modeling
CS 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
CS 294 W
Contemporary Topics in Computer Science
CS 295
Master's Internship
CS 297
Master's Thesis Research
CS 299
Master's Directed Research
CS 300
Computational Scientific Imaging
CS 314
Electric Grid Security and Resilience
CS 320
Probabilistic Graphical Models
CS 321
Applications of AI in Bioinformatics
CS 322
Applied Ontology
CS 323
Deep Learning for Visual Computing
CS 324
Cyber Secure and Resilient Systems
CS 325
Private Data Analysis
CS 326
Low-Resource Deep Learning
CS 327
Operational Technology Network Security
CS 331
Stochastic Gradient Descent Methods
CS 332
Federated Learning
CS 337
Information Networks
CS 340
Computational Methods in Data Mining
CS 341
Advanced Topics in Data Management
CS 344
Advanced Topics in Computer Networks
CS 345
Advanced Topics in Distributed and Networked Systems
CS 356
Hardware Accelerator Architectures
CS 361
Combinatorial Machine Learning
CS 370
Geometry Processing
CS 380
GPU and GPGPU Programming
CS 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
CS 394
Contemporary Topics in Computer Science
CS 395
Doctoral Internship
CS 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
CS 398
Graduate Seminar
CS 399
Doctoral Directed Research
ECE 101
ECE 102
Analog Electronics
ECE 103
Solid State
ECE 104
Fundamentals of Microelectronics
ECE 105
Design, Synthesis and Optimization
ECE 105L
Design, Synthesis and Optimization Lab
ECE 106
Placement, Routing and Power Estimation
ECE 106L
Placement Routing & Power Estimation Lab
ECE 122
ECE 151
Signal and Systems I
ECE 152
Signal and Systems II
ECE 199
Directed Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 200
Power System Analysis
ECE 201
Introduction to CMOS VLSI Circuits
ECE 202
Analog Integrated Circuits
ECE 203
Solid-State Devices Fabrication
ECE 204
Integrated Microsystems Laboratory
ECE 205
Introduction to MEMS
ECE 206
Device Physics
ECE 208
Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices
ECE 221
Electromagnetic Theory
ECE 222
Antenna Theory and Design
ECE 223
Microwave Circuits
ECE 230
Computer Systems Security
ECE 231
Principles of Optics
ECE 232
Applied Quantum Mechanics (Equivalent to MSE 232)
ECE 233
ECE 242
Digital Communication and Coding
ECE 244
Wireless Communications
ECE 245
Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks
ECE 251
Digital Signal Processing and Analysis
ECE 253
Wavelets and Time-Frequency Distribution
ECE 262
Communication Networks
ECE 263
Cyber-Physical Systems
ECE 271A
Linear Control Systems
ECE 271B
Non Linear Control Systems
ECE 272A
Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems I
ECE 272B
Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems II
ECE 273A
Advanced Dynamics
ECE 273B
Advanced Dynamics
ECE 274
System Identification and Estimation
ECE 275
Robot Planning and Control
ECE 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
ECE 294
Contemporary Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 295
Master's Internship
ECE 297
Master's Thesis Research
ECE 299
Master's Directed Research
ECE 300
Advanced Topics in Integrated Photonics
ECE 301
Advanced VLSI Systems
ECE 302
Integrated Analog/Digital Interface Circuits
ECE 303
Integrated Circuits
ECE 304
Integrated Microsystems
ECE 305
Advanced MEMS Devices and Technologies
ECE 306
Electronic and Optical Properties of Semiconductors
ECE 307
High-Speed Transistors
ECE 308
Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs
ECE 309
Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
ECE 310
Integrated Sensors
ECE 311
Solid State Devices Laboratory
ECE 312
Semiconductor Epitaxy and Devices
ECE 313
Memory Device Technology and Application
ECE 313
Electric Grid Security and Resilience
ECE 321
Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics
ECE 323
Microwave Measurements Laboratory
ECE 325
Advanced Photonics Concepts and Applications
ECE 331
Classical Optics
ECE 332
Optical Waves in Crystals
ECE 333
ECE 334
Nonlinear Optics
ECE 335
Advances in Semiconductor UV Devices
ECE 341
Information Theory
ECE 343
Digital Communication Theory
ECE 344
Advanced Wireless Communication Systems
ECE 345
Advanced Wireless System Architecture
ECE 351
Advanced Signal Processing
ECE 352
Image Processing
ECE 353
Adaptive Signal Processing
ECE 354
Introduction to Computer Vision
ECE 355
Estimation, Filtering and Detection
ECE 365
Advanced Power Electronics
ECE 372
Dynamic programming and Optimal Control
ECE 374
Advanced Control Systems
ECE 376
Robust Control
ECE 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
ECE 394
Contemporary Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 395
Doctoral Internship
ECE 396
Math Models in Computer Vision and Image
ECE 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
ECE 398
Graduate Seminar
ECE 399
Doctoral Directed Research
ENG 100
Advanced English Language Communication
ENG 101
Critical Writing, Discussion and Debate
EnSE 199
Directed Study in Environmental Science
EnSE 201
Water Quality and Environmental Analysis
EnSE 202
Aquatic Chemistry
EnSE 203
Fundamentals of Environmental Microbiology
EnSE 205
Principles of Environmental Sustainability
EnSE 222
Surface Hydrology
EnSE 223
Groundwater Hydrology
EnSE 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
EnSE 294
Contemporary Topics in Environmental Science
EnSE 295
Master's Internship
EnSE 297
Master's Thesis Research
EnSE 299
Master's Directed Research
EnSE 310
Colloids, Interfaces, and Surfaces
EnSE 314
Public Health Microbiology
EnSE 316
Advanced Topics in Environmental Science and Engineering
EnSE 317
Selected Topics in Green Process Technology
EnSE 325
Water Desalination
EnSE 341
Processes in Environmental Biotechnology
EnSE 342
Physical/Chemical Treatment Processes
EnSE 344
Modelling Bioprocess & Env. Engineering
EnSE 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
EnSE 394
Contemporary Topics in Environmental Science
EnSE 395
Doctoral Internship
EnSE 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
EnSE 398
Graduate Seminar
EnSE 399
Doctoral Directed Research
ERPE 200
Energy and the Environment
ERPE 210
Fundamentals of Carbonate Geology
ERPE 211
Data Integration for Geomodelling
ERPE 220
Sediments: Properties and Processes
ERPE 221
Geoscience Fundamentals
ERPE 230
Rock Mechanics for Energy Geo-Engineering
ERPE 240
Fractals, Percolation and Pore-scale Flow
ERPE 241
Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
ERPE 250
Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals and Applications
ERPE 253
Hydrocarbon Production System
ERPE 260
Drilling Engineering
ERPE 270
Experimental Methods in Research
ERPE 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
ERPE 294
Contemporary Topics in ERPE
ERPE 295
Master's Internship
ERPE 297
Master's Thesis Research
ERPE 299
Master's Directed Research
ERPE 310
Sequence Stratigraphy
ERPE 311
Carbonate Diagenesis
ERPE 315
Energy Geoscience
ERPE 331
Subsurface Geomechanics & Field Applications
ERPE 340
Machine Learning in GeoEnergy Systems
ERPE 350
Thermodynamics of Subsurface Reservoirs
ERPE 351
Modeling Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
ERPE 360
Field Development Planning
ERPE 361
Advanced Well Testing
ERPE 362
Enhanced Oil Recovery
ERPE 365
Carbon Capture and Storage
ERPE 367
Geothermal Systems
ERPE 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
ERPE 394
Contemporary Topics in ERPE
ERPE 395
Doctoral Internship
ERPE 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
ERPE 398
Graduate Seminar
ERPE 399
Doctoral Directed Research
ErSE 199
Directed Study in Earth Science
ErSE 201
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I
ErSE 202
Computational Groundwater Hydrology
ErSE 210
ErSE 211
Global Geophysics
ErSE 212
Geophysical Geodesy and Geodynamics
ErSE 213
Inverse Problems
ErSE 214
Seismic Exploration
ErSE 217
Structural Geology
ErSE 218
Geophysical Field Methods
ErSE 219
Field Geology
ErSE 221
Magmatic Systems
ErSE 222
Machine Learning in Geoscience
ErSE 223
Geological Systems of Arabia
ErSE 225
Physical Field Methods in Geophysics I
ErSE 226
Marine Geology – The Oceanic Crust
ErSE 253
Data Analysis in Geosciences
ErSE 260
Seismic Imaging
ErSE 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
ErSE 294
Contemporary Topics in Earth Science
ErSE 295
Master's Internship
ErSE 297
Master's Thesis Research
ErSE 299
Master's Directed Research
ErSE 300
Deep Learning in Subsurface Reservoirs
ErSE 301
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics II
ErSE 305
Multiphase Flows in Porous Media
ErSE 308
Atmospheric Physics
ErSE 309
Thermodynamics of Subsurface Reservoirs
ErSE 316
Geo-Environmental Modeling & Analysis
ErSE 317
Geo-Environmental Modeling & Analysis
ErSE 323
Igneous Geochemistry
ErSE 325
Physical Fields Methods in Geophysics I
ERSE 326
Computational Geophysics
ErSE 327
Multiscale Modeling of Geological Reservoirs
ErSE 328
Advanced Seismic Inversion
ErSE 330
Pore-Scale Modeling of Subsurface Flow
ErSE 331
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) in Earth Sciences
ErSE 332
Earthquake Physics
ErSE 353
Data Assimilation
ErSE 360
Mathematical Methods for Seismic Imaging
ErSE 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
ErSE 394
Contemporary Topics in Earth Science
ErSE 394 B
Geo-Environmental Modeling & Analysis
ErSE 395
Doctoral Internship
ErSE 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
ErSE 398
Graduate Seminar
ErSE 399
Doctoral Directed Research
MarS 199
Directed Study in Marine Science
MarS 221
Marine Life
MarS 228
Marine Ecosystems
MarS 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
MarS 294
Contemporary Topics in Marine Science
MarS 295
Master's Internship
MarS 297
Master's Thesis Research
MarS 299
Master's Directed Research
MarS 319
Movement Ecology
MarS 323
Pelagic Ecology
MarS 326
Coral Reef Ecology
MarS 329
Marine Microbial Ecology
MarS 330
Marine Ecological Genomics
MarS 332
Optical Oceanography
MarS 335
MarS 336
MarS 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
MarS 394
Contemporary Topics in Marine Science
MarS 394 A
Coral reef benthic diversity
MarS 394B
Marine Symbioses
MarS 395
Doctoral Internship
MarS 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
MarS 398
Graduate Seminar
MarS 399
Doctoral Directed Research
ME 199
Directed Study in Mechanical Engineering
ME 200A
Incompressible Flows
ME 200B
Viscous and Unsteady Flows
ME 205
Introductory Laboratory Skills
ME 211A
Mechanics of Structures and Solids
ME 211B
Homogenization and Upscaling Techniques in Solid Mechanics
ME 212
Continuum Mechanics
ME 214
Experimental Methods
ME 221A
Linear Control Systems
ME 221B
Non Linear Control Systems
ME 222A
Mechatronics and Microsystems
ME 222B
Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems
ME 226
Cyber-Physical Systems
ME 228
Robot Planning and Control
ME 241
Classical Thermodynamics
ME 242
Theoretical and Numerical Heat Transfer
ME 243
Statistical Thermodynamics
ME 244
Combustion Fundamentals
ME 252
Fundamentals of Circular Carbon Strategies
ME 253
Sustainable Thermal Technologies
ME 254
Renewable Fluid Power
ME 256
Electrochemical Energy Systems
ME 261
Applications of Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas
ME 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
ME 294
Contemporary Topics in Mechanical Engineering
ME 295
Master's Internship
ME 297
Master's Thesis Research
ME 299
Master's Directed Research
ME 302
Multi-Phase Flows
ME 304
Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics
ME 305A
Computational Fluid Dynamics
ME 305B
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
ME 306
Hydrodynamic Stability
ME 307
ME 317
Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures
ME 319
Computational Solid Mechanics
ME 326
Robust Control
ME 340
Advanced Combustion Theory
ME 342
Chemical Kinetics
ME 346
Turbulent Combustion
ME 348
Introduction to Spectroscopy and Laser Diagnostics
ME 376
Introduction to Combustion Engines
ME 377
Advanced Internal Combustion Engines
ME 378
Experimental Combustion
ME 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
ME 394
Contemporary Topics in Mechanical Engineering
ME 395
Doctoral Internship
ME 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
ME 398
Graduate Seminar
ME 399
Doctoral Directed Research
MSE 199
Directed Study in Materials Science
MSE 200
Mathematics for Material Science and Engineering
MSE 201
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering
MSE 221
Crystallography and Diffraction
MSE 225
Electronic Properties of Materials
MSE 226
Thermodynamics of Materials
MSE 227
Applied Quantum Mechanics
MSE 228
Materials Characterization
MSE 229
Polymeric Materials
MSE 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
MSE 294
Contemporary Topics in Materials Science
MSE 295
Master's Internship
MSE 297
Master's Thesis Research
MSE 299
Master's Directed Research
MSE 301
Advanced Crystallography and Diffraction
MSE 310
Energy Storage Materials and Devices
MSE 314
Ab-Initio Computational Methods
MSE 318
MSE 320
Energy Conversion Materials and Devices
MSE 322
Semiconductor Materials
MSE 328
Electronic Biosensors and Bioactuators
MSE 331
Advanced Nanoelectronics
MSE 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
MSE 394B
Contemporary Topics in Materials Science
MSE 394B
Contemporary Topics in Materials Science
MSE 395
Doctoral Internship
MSE 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
MSE 398
Graduate Seminar
MSE 399
Doctoral Directed Research
PSE 100
Physics and Mechanics I
PSE 101
Physics and Mechanics II
PSE 102
Chemistry and Thermodynamics I
PSE 103
Chemistry and Thermodynamics II
PSE 200
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
PSE 201
PSE 205
Climate Change
PS 199
Directed Study in Plant Science
PS 201
Concepts of Developmental Biology and Genetics
PS 202
Plant Physiology and Adaptation
PS 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
PS 294
Contemporary Topics in Plant Science
PS 295
Master's Internship
PS 297
Master's Thesis Research
PS 299
Master's Directed Research
PS 301
Advanced Plant Growth & Development
PS 302
Biochemistry and Metabolic Engineering
PS 303
Advanced Plant Molecular Genetics
PS 304
Advanced Plant Genetics
PS 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
PS 394
Contemporary Topics in Plant Science
PS 395
Doctoral Internship
PS 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
PS 398
Graduate Seminar
PS 399
Doctoral Directed Research
STAT 199
Directed Study in Statistics
STAT 210
Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
STAT 215
Applied Statistics with R
STAT 220
Probability and Statistics
STAT 230
Linear Models
STAT 240
Bayesian Statistics
STAT 250
Stochastic Processes
STAT 260
Nonparametric Statistics
STAT 270
Statistical Design of Experiments
STAT 293
Master's Traveling Scholar
STAT 294
Contemporary Topics in Statistics
STAT 295
Master's Internship
STAT 297
Master's Thesis Research
STAT 299
Master's Directed Research
STAT 300
Spatial Data Science with R
STAT 310
Environmental Statistics
STAT 320
Advanced Statistical Inference
STAT 330
Multivariate Statistics
STAT 335
Statistical Dependence Modeling with Copulas
STAT 340
Computational Statistics
STAT 350
Time Series Analysis
STAT 355
Advanced Stochastic Processes and Random Fields
STAT 360
Functional Data Analysis
STAT 370
Spatial Statistics
STAT 380
Statistics of Extremes
STAT 393
Doctoral Traveling Scholar
STAT 394
Contemporary Topics in Statistics
STAT 395
Doctoral Internship
STAT 397
Doctoral Dissertation Research
STAT 398
Graduate Seminar
STAT 399
Doctoral Directed Research
TIE 201
IoT Systems and Edge Computing
TIE 202
Advanced AIoT Systems: Optimization and Machine Learning
TIE 211
Launching Innovation: From idea to Viable Business
TIE 212
Product Development and Corporate Innov.
TIE 231
Innovation Navigation: From Idea to Impact
TIE 232
Innovative Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success
TIE 241
Product Design and Digital Manufacturing
TIE 242
Biodesign in Digital Health: A Comprehensive Exploration
TIE 294 B
Special Topics in TIE
TIE 295
Summer Internship
TIE 296
Directed Product Development
TIE 298
Graduate Seminar
WE 100
Winter Enrichment Program