B 328 Principles of Cryo-Electron Microscopy

he course will cover concepts of theory and practice of modern Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) of biological macromolecules, including the anatomy of an EM microscope, image formation, sample preparation and object reconstruction through Single-Particle Analysis (SPA). Additional topics covered will be molecular model building into cryo-EM maps, validation and refinement, and principles of cryo-Electron Tomography (cryo-ET). A 1-week practical workshop on cryo-EM data processing and a set of hands-on demonstrations on sample preparation and microscope operation will also be included. The course will end with several "flipped-class" activities, involving student group presentations and discussions on relevant cryo-EM papers, followed by a final exam.


B 241- Molecular biology and biochemistry. Knowledge in electrical engineering and bioinformatics is preferred but not required. The course is open to PhD students and master students (For master students B 241 or BioE 201 is a prerequisite). The number of students is capped at 8.